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Main government bodies:

Independent Board of Directors

Management committee

Appointments, remuneration and RSC committee

Audit and Internal Control Committee

Governance model based on ethics and transparency

With the aim of generating a culture of ethics and respect, Sesé has developed a Criminal Compliance Management System with the objective of structuring an environment of prevention, detection and early risk management.

In addition, Sesé has channels open to its stakeholders so that they can send queries and doubts or any communication regarding alleged behaviour that goes against the principles and rules of the Compliance Management System, the Code of Ethics or other policies of the organisation.


Compliance with law and internal regulations


Equality, equity, respect and dignity at work


Protection of the most vulnerable groups


Responsible commitment to health and safety


Preventive approach that favours the environment


Transparency, objectivity and professionalism


Preserving confidentiality, intellectual property and industry

Sesé manages all its processes with a permanent focus on the needs and expectations of its stakeholders and under the same quality standards.
+ 99%

Customer satisfaction in 2021

100 %

of our staff works in accordance with ISO 9001


grade supplier for our main OEM customers